Inner Wheel

Inner Wheel
Madras South- 50 Years of Golden Service

Tuesday, 29 July 2014

Projects - July 2014

The beginning of all big things is small.   Well begun is  half done.
We as an Inner Wheel family not only share friendship but also happily join our hands in service to our community. 51 years of glorious service by IWC Madras South should continue for several more decades touching many lives in the decades to come.  Another year is just another page of our book of records to add feathers to the cap our predecessors have gloriously managed with happy smiles, graceful hearts and helping hands.  The year 2014-2015 is not going to be any different and we are only aiming to make this more memorable year in the history of Inner Wheel Club of Madras South.......
1. BIRD Maintenance -19 Jul 2014

2. IWC Central JP- For Sanitary Napkins-19 Jul 2014

3. College Fee to Nivedita

4. College Fee to Pavitha

5. Books Contribution to Rotary Teach India 19 Jul 2014

6. Student Photographer Employment opportunity 19 Jul 2014

Installation of the President and Executive Committee for the year 2014-2015

Prayer and Lamp

Invocation Song by Kalaimamani Girija Ramaswamy

Lighing of the lamp

Inner Wheel Prayer -Athirai
Outgoing President Kalarani - a successful year gone by

MC's for the day Sunitha and Rooma

Treasurer Sandhya 2014-15

ISO Manasi Uday

Coloring Incoming President Umasree

August Gathering

EC Team 2014-15

Sec Rajeena, Rtn Sreeprakash, President Umasree, DC Swarna and IPP Kalarani

Red Chillies

Dr Nalini Ramamurthy
With PAP Mano Bhakavachalam 
Induction of new member Padma, Issainilla, Meena Chandrasekar

Rotary President Sriprakash and IWC MS President Umasree 
Happy IWC MS Family 
With City Club Presidents and team
Graceful Rotarians and Anns

Thanks to DGN Rtn Nataraj Nagoji, Rtn Bhowmick and Rtn Magdoom and Raghu for support
Happy IWC MS Family

Pillar of Strength PDC Shanthi Kannan