Inner Wheel

Inner Wheel
Madras South- 50 Years of Golden Service

Wednesday, 15 October 2014

National Total Literacy Program - Teach India Project - Supporting Rotary International and Inner Wheel District 323

Educate a woman, and the whole family is educated.   Educate a family and the whole village and Nation gets enlightened.  It is not just the responsibility of the government, but also each one of us to make this Nation 100% literate.  In this mission towards National Total Literacy Program, each club in the Inner Wheel District 323 contributed their possible amounts to make this program get started and get going.  Small drops makes a ocean.  Each one of our thoughts makes a vision.  Hence this joint project with District and all other participating clubs towards a National cause.

Teachers Training programme for 30 teachers at a time for 4 days where they train them on how to teach children maths and spoken English - 2 of the important subjects which children really need to be proficient in . The cost including material and supervision after training is around Rs. 2500 per teacher.   Rotary District 3230 with an NGO Vidyarambam for help in making TEACH programme effective.

We at Inner Wheel Club of Madras South are glad to be part of this bigger cause with our little drops of support

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